Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why are fat women usually not biologically attractive?

i learned why larger hips and would be biologically attractive for better child bearing, but i questioned myself why "fat" women are almost always physically unnattractive, Hopefully you see what im getting at here, I thought that maybe being fat indicates that the female is in a way "sick" and wouldnt be the best option for a mother.

Question about reception before basic?

Will they like test you there? what i mean by test is like you know the PRE BCT TASK LIST test? or no?

Do you like my idea for a vampire werewolf story..?

By making everyone either a werewolf or vampire, you eliminate the "specialness" of being either--all but killing my interest in your story. Besides, the vampires vs. werewolves thing has already been done to death. The angsty hero who wants to be good despite his nature has been done to death. The star-crossed lovers thing has been done to death.

My daughters goldfish is turning black. I am not a fish expert. HELP!?

i got my daughter a bubble eye goldfish. We bought a marina aquarium and after about a week and a half, one started to turn black. Help!

Can you answer my offside question?

I saw this in the USA vs. Trinidad WC qualifier tonight: Trinidad attacker possesses the ball; his teammate is clearly 2 steps offside, but the ball is never played to him. The attacker shoots; keeper makes the save; ball rebounds to the player in what was an offside position, and he shoots and scores. The goal should be disallowed or not?

Does anyone have any recipes for products to clean with that you make at home?

Today I made a recipe for an environmentally safe chemical free product to clean my carpet and it worked! Does anyone have other green recipes they would be willing to share? I would like to try making more cleaning products and save money and help the earth.

Is it time to rethink this idea of switching to hydrogen fuel cells?

Think about the Commodore 64 or TRS 80 for a second. My $5 calculator has more processing power than those computers had and cost hundreds less. Just because something is costly now doesn't mean it will be forever. Advancements and cost reductions will eventually occur. Did you know some fuel cells are now designed to extract the hydrogen from heavy fuel oil for use on ships? That oil has to be heated just to flow and will cause absolutely no explosive hazard in a vehicle accident, unlike gasoline.

K u guys its 1:29 am and im boreddd lol?

so does anyone know any good riddles? lol if ya do post the answer please along with the riddle. got no riddles 4 me? then make me a survey dammit lmao. please. and thank u <333 and if u dont have anything 2 offer me then tell me ur fav song lol. immmm reallllyyyyyy boreddddd hehe

My parents are always talking about conspiracies?

My parents don't do this but my husband does. It gets me depressed to because I have 4 kids the oldest is 7 and the youngest is 8 months. I feel crappy because i brought kids in the world and he's saying that the world is going to end. Like did I bring my kids into the world to be doomed. I try not to think about it and keep reminding myself everyone who has predicted the world to end has been wrong. Some people have been wrong more than once. Just remind yourself that and it makes you feel better.

37/4 weeks pregnant, dark green in my vomit?

im 37 + 4 days and have suffered severe sickness all the way through but today ive had very dark green bile/lumps in my vomit, not sure whether this is normal as ive never had it before and its nothing ive eaten either so not sure??

Is it possible to communicate through dreams?

dreams dont mean anything. if u think they do well then ur crazy. a dream is just a figment of ur imagination.

Gents, lady shopping!?

Hahahaha! Dunce! I haven't heard that word used in a while, you just brought a big smile to my face. CHEERS XXXX

How I do I build my own website for little or no money?

I am not a computer lingo expert and not with a lot of money so I was hoping someone had a way I could easily create a website.

Is my boyfriend cheating on me?

it all started when my boyfriend and i had an arguement coz i was drunk snd he left and went out with his mates i tried going after him but he had gone so all i had to do was wait til the morning but when the morning *** his mates were @ his house and he was upstairs in his brothers bedroom with another girl she was on the top bunk he was on the bottom i asked him if anything went on and he promised me that nothing did and i believed him.but then he went out wiv his mates again one night phoned me up at 5 in the morning asking if i could go and pick him up from an area the other side of town i asked him why he was there and he reconed that he walked his mate from work home but when i looked at his phone there was this girls phone number on there that i didnt no so was he with someone else and just using that as an exuse?

Feminine gay males- how much femininity is a show-off and how much of it is natural?

Do what works for you. You will never be happy trying to behave the way someone else tells you to behave.

Christians: I've got three questions for you..?

1. No, I wouldn't tell him so as not to send him to hell.2. If by being a Christian I hurt people or was intolerant I would regret the way I had lived. 3.Being an atheist, because I want to live, and also because atheism is more grounded in reality

Does Good and Evil Matter?

Since both are man-made concepts, does it really matter trying to be one or the other? Can't I just be me without a positive or negative connotation attached?

Why do those Olsen twins Kate and Ashley always look so wore out and weak and sad?

these girls looked old and sad when they were babies, now they are playing the games of life but in a really screwed up world thats to hard for them. they are wealthy enough so that they can never ever feel safe from people wanting everything they have, and not being able to trust anyone will make you very sad.they have over indulged in everything(drinking,drugs,etc.) I am sure, which will make anyone look worn out. i truely feel sorry for them my self.

Need a list of natural ways to get high..?

I'm writing a song, and I need a list of suggestions on how to get high.. Doesn't necessarily have to be NATURAL, just not drugs or alcohol. For example.. running, skydiving naked from an aeroplane (got that from a song;) ), drinking coffee, going for a ride on a rollar coaster, making love, stuff like that. I need suggestions... help me out?

I'm writing an essay about the book "1984" by george orwell?

No, I am against that statement and you should be opposed to it in your essay to show your teacher that you understand the concept of the novel. The big question in this novel is what citizens are willing to give up to be ensured security. In 1984 the government stopped being run by the people and started running the people instead. They viewed power "not as a means but as an end." If the government spies on its citizens, they will be given too much power and will abuse it.

Does anyone else find Cameron Diaz unattractive???

Don't get me wrong, she's got great legs. Other than that I don't see what special about her(from a physical standpoint). Am I the only who thinks this????

I am so scared of life.?

Truthfully, you need to make your own decision on the career that you want to be in. Your mother can't make that decision for you. Think of something that you like to do. If you got a 71% and you don't think that you can improve your grades, then you need to change your career because in order to be considered for medical school, you need to make at least a "B". I don't think that it is in your heart to become a doctor. It's your mother's dream. Just think of something that YOU want to do in life. You are an adult now, and you must make your own decisions. I know how tough science cles are because I have taken science cles before, and I am enrolled in two science cles with lab. Don't give up on your education because you are smart enough to become whatever you want to become in life.

What are the difference between shimano xt and the new slx (to be released)? is slx stonger and lighter?

SLX isn't new it's being revived. Back in the '90s SLX was the 3rd best MTB group behind XT and LX. I believe that's what it will be marketed as again.