Monday, January 9, 2012

Homework/poem question?

I'd dress in litle girls'clothes frilly blouse or top/skirt/white dainty socks and if possible braids with bows then I'd also have on a face MASK that has a swollen lower cheek for the mumps,red spots for the measles, and 16 bigger spots for chicken pox and of course Green skin---then move your chin but moan and put hand on hip as if hip in pain,bend a little low clutch your back as if in pain-also have a sprain bandage on one of your ankles, also point to appendix while imitating rain drops in the air with other hand reach arm up a bit then wavy motions with hand -representing rain drops coming down,blow in you hand as one does for warmth and put on nose, wiggle toes as if numb,put hand on necck rolling neck a bit as if stiff,talk in whisper-voice is weak,blow cheeks up and tongue sticking out a bit-tongue filling up mouth,have a bit some yarn stuck in your hair then pull out as in hair falling out,raise elbow halfway and bend a bit,put both hands on side of top of the head-brain shrunk,cup hand to ear like you can't hear,put index finger up to ear with sticking in motion but o not put in ear,2-3times,hold up hand showing nails,put hand over heart But when you come to Saturday sraighten body tear off mask and ankle bandage do a little jump up into the air as you're saying "G'bye,I'm going out to play and run off happy and excited. As you are saying the poem you act it out-should be fun.

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