Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How does one join the community driven surveillance teams that are just as powerful as the military?

Some law enforcement of every level (federal, state, local) , fire, paramedic/rescue are always involved. The authorities partner with numerous citizens who seek focused and organized attention towards innocent people marked as various criminal suspects by fact or slander, These surveillance teams have the ability to har, stalk, commit property crimes, home entry when away, vehicular hits to maim or kill, wiretap of phones, surveillance of e-mails, monitor visual , communication and relationship privacy inside suspects home, set-up food tampering at restaurants and other environments including the home to cause sickness and interfere with health of organs, use remote direct energy weapons to interfere, work mobbing, community mobbing, discredit, dismantle physical and mental health. All this is done under the guise the victim's accurate claims from ault to their life and person are from serious psychotic mental illness such as schizophrenia or delusional personality disorder. The effects of this targeting can lead to forced poverty, unemployment, disabled, family and friend relationship abandonment, political psychiatry, and ultimately premature death. Citizens and authorities who are not involved have a hard time believing any such organization exist, which is also used to monitor and enforce the illicit drug trade operations. Involved business owners use the system for security to watch their businesses with these citizen participants and police and other authorities that are involved who use stealth moving surveillance techniques while driving vehicles, walking, inside buildings, from planes, helicopters, drones. Cells phones, computers, and satellite tracking for the purpose of electronic surveillance are believed to be heavily involved. When one person who was targeted asked a police officer why were they being targeted despite being an innocent citizen with no criminal or mental health background , the police officer responded, " You have been red-lined." On other occasions, ....Another police officer responded, "The military is involved". Yet, on another occasion, another police officer responded, "It involves Homeland Security. " Apparently, these groups have many tentacles with the federal and state government. These groups have been reported in every state in large cities and smaller towns. At present, there is no formal channels for those targeted to receive intervention or any help. These targeting groups have also been reported in other nations, mostly NATO nations. One targeted person was told by the FBI in the 1990's that is the organized effort to form The New World Order, which are advocates of the One World Government; which the Bible speaks of the rise of it as being the "Antichrist" Government.

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